Thursday 13 June 2019

My Peter Gossage art.

This is my artwork about the story, the giant of Lake Wakatipu. I loved doing this but my favourite part was to do Manata. She is the girl Maui was trying to save. Drawing her was a challenge because you had to draw her legs you had to draw her running. Here what my art turned out like...  (I still have to finish colouring in the background)

Monday 10 June 2019

Filter experiment.

Today we did a water filter experiment for science. Faith (my best friend) and I worked together in partners. First, we got our containers then we got our ingredients to use in our filter,  Faith and I chose cotton balls and tissue paper. The water came out pretty clear but we still didn't win the competition. I think we should have added some bark for the oil to grip onto the water so it wasn't so oily.