Friday, 11 May 2018

Identifying Ideas for Vincent Van Gogh

Title: get the picture?

Author: Jim Howes

LI: Write a sentence about the four most important events in the story.

1. In ‘Sunflowers’,Vincent Van Gogh used thick oil paint to show how he loved the strength of the bursting colours of the flowers.

2. In modern art, all kinds of surfaces and types of paints are used. In the last 50 years, acrylic paints that dry quickly and easy to remove have become popular.

3. The invention of a camera gave us a new way of making pictures.  Photographers were used to record important events and to take pics of people.

4. Photographs are much faster to complete than paintings. 

Thursday, 10 May 2018

The Unicorn behind the wall - Part one


One Friday night there were two girls named Lucy and Sophie. Lucy had ginger hair with blue eyes and Sophie had blonde hair with brown eyes. They were both nine years old but Lucy was two months older. 

On Friday Sophie was having a sleepover at Lucy's house. The next morning Sophie and Lucy woke up hearing a BANG! The noise was coming from the wall.

They wanted to follow it but it was too late because it was three o’clock in the morning. When it became bright, they didn't waste any time to get into that passage. When they entered the passage way the wall opened and saw that it lead to a magical forest that they did not know. 

They began to explore more and more but just then Sophie spotted something- it looked like a horse but with a horn!

to be continued …….

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Lenten promises

This is my lent work for R.E.

These are some of my Lenten promises , I gave up being mean to my brother because my mum would not like me being mean to him and he would be more mean to me.

Monday, 7 May 2018

Place value poster

For math's we have been learning about place value. We did a poster and here it is … I really enjoyed doing it because we could decorate it and draw pictures which I love.

Thursday, 3 May 2018

My awesome holiday 2018

Friday the last day of school, I'm so excited for going to the farm I saw my dad then I jumped into the truck and we rode off to  Thames. Here we go …….

On the way we stopped by the dairy to get something to eat. I got a chocolate bar and some ice cream! 

Two hours later we finally we got home to the farm then as soon as we unpacked I went on my motorbike. We shifted the sheep into a paddock so we could play then I made a ramp for me and my brother to jump. I went on my trampoline and practiced my baranies on it.

The next day my gran came over for the holidays and I showed her my barani on the trampoline. We had dinner together, it was sausages and ice cream for dessert. We watched a movie and then my cousins had to leave, which was sad. We went to sleep and that was the end of my holiday.