Name of way of getting the message
Some information was recorded on stone walls ,paper or wood this was the beginning of writing it gave people a new way of communicating with each other.
Time used About a thousand years before johannes gutenberg in 1450s
From prehistoric times, people have been able to communicate their thoughts by showing them.
As languages developed , information could be shared more widely . stories could travel from one place to another and be passed on from the generation .
The ancient chinese used a simple method of printing with wooden blocks to create a scroll book called the diamond sutra this is said to be the world's oldest book .
What is the message ?
People have always wanted to share ideas and information .
We constantly are discovering newer and faster ways of doing things.
It is possible to put on headsets and watch images and hear sounds .
Examples of countries application of the technology From lascaux and france
Mass media means media created for huge numbers of people . newspaper was first mass media .
Newspapers made it much easier for people to find out what's happening in their community.
With a computer, a telephone line and a modem , the world on the internet is yours.
Hundreds of years later, people in china discovered they could make softer paper by using cloth and plant fibre this paper was easier to write on .
Something to write on …………………. The first message were not written as words but shown as pictures . in ancient egypt.
A world wide web
Stories across the world
An early form of writing was known as cuneiform. A reed pen with a wedge -shaped tip was used to make imprints on soft clay, which was later dried hard .