Monday, 10 December 2018

The magical sleepover

Chapter 1

“Hi my name is Alana I am 9 years old I am an international top trained spy so is my best friend Faith, I have a little sister named Jiwoo( I’m telling her that were spies when she's older) and a big brother named jack.

Yes you guessed it I'm the middle child, and I love UNICORNS!!! And my best friend Faith does too, if you don’t know Faith she is 9 years old and she has two annoying little brothers Jacob (he is 5 years old) and Leo ( he is 8 years old ) and they hate unicorns😭 maybe not Jacob but still, they're both really annoying.

Anyway enough chit chat about that, on friday me and Faith are having a sleepover, if you don't know what a sleepover is its is one of the EXTREMELY FUNNEST THINGS IN LIFE!!!!!!!!!!! Even funnier than going to dreamworld with the Rock! (known as Dwayne Johnson) anyway, moving on the reason why im having a sleepover at faith's house is because she thought she saw a hollow room in her bedroom ( and yes remember where spy’s) so of course I need to know. Anyway on with the story when i was at Faith's house i noticed something unusual maybe the fact that we were getting followed, wait a second if were getting followed, that means there's another spy watching us Dun dun duuun!!!!!!!!!!! When I was in high school I meet a girl called lucy, lucy diamond she was one of my best bestest friends but she turned out to be a super villain so I told her I wasn't going to be her friend anymore, then she all of a sudden she chucked her diamonds in the air and disappeared, never to be seen again. Dun dun duuun!!!!!! Ok enough of that, wait why do i still have this font, ok dat better, anyway when I knocked on the hollow spot I heard a BANG and another BANG that was me and lucy’s knock letting us know that it's us, wait a minute does that mean lucy is stuck inside that wall,

to be continued…….

Chapter 2

The next day I woke up hearing another three bangs,

BANG BANG BANG that means she's in DANGER. then I started to carefully chip away at the wall not trying to wake Faiths family up and then a weird looking guy fell through the wall holding, lucy with her neak the guy had a weird looking UNICORN by his side but it wasn't any unicorn it was dark and black and scary, even scarier than a warthog unicorn.

Then the scary weird looking guy pulled me and faith into the secret portal. 

To be continued……,.,..,,.

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

my poem part 2


A is for awesome
L is for ice cream lover
A is for athletic
N is for non stop talking  

A is for always fond of dancing  

Friday, 30 November 2018

being water smart

Have you ever stopped and thought about why we should swim between the flags Well if you haven't here are a few great statements and reasons why you should swim between the red and yellow flags. I believe that you should be more and more accountable Swimming between the bright colored flags.

Reason 1 swimming without a parent

I strongly believe that swimming without a parent Should be banned, Due to the fact of Swimming without a parent Is very dangerous because if no parent is looking after you you could drown or get bitten by a great big shark.

Reason 2

Swimming between the flags.

If you swim between the flags you will be safe and no danger will come to you. But if you don't swim between the flags A lot of danger will come to you one You could get hit by a boat Or you could Drown in the deep blue

Reason 3 Sun safety, as a result of you always wearing sunblock, Sunglasses, and a hat If you don't wear those things you might get sunburnt or you might die from the heat of the sun. x_x


The reason that you and your child should always swim between the flags is that this is the area that is marked out as secure for swimming and is patrolled by lifeguards. ... You should never ever let your child swim alone. They should be supervised by adults the whole time they are at the beach.

Friday, 16 November 2018


Wolves is a book that my group is reading. We had to read each chapter and state the important things/events that occurred during the chapters.
1st chapter
Kaitlin heard multiple howls in the night, she got scared and tried to tell her father but he was asleep. She was so scared. ……
2nd chapter
In the morning they had pancakes soaked in maple syrup and after that her father asked her if she wanted to go on a hike, so they did…….
3rd chapter

On the hike they had they took many photos of the view and then her dad pulled out a mars bar and took some bites of it ……..

Friday, 9 November 2018

my gss cross

I really enjoyed doing this because i coloured it in rainbow and i drew a cute bunny.

my matariki lantern

I really enjoyed doing this and I loved the rainbow background and the seven stars, also the washi tape.

How kiwis adapted to their habitat

General statement: Kiwis are native New zealand birds. They are so beautiful and playful and they are very special to our home land.

Structural adaptations : Kiwis have a small body with brown feathers and a big sensitive beak. They have big strong legs.

Behavioural adaptations: The plumage of a kiwi enables them to blend with the undergrowth in the forest, preventing predators from detecting them by sight.

Habitat: They don't need a new native forest, they are found in scrub and rough farmland, kiwis are from our homeland new zealand , you find them on floors of forests or in narrow logs.

Food: Kiwis eat small invertebrates , seeds, grubs and many varieties of worms. They also eat crayfish, fruit, eels and amphibians.

Native birds in a changing environment: The environment has changed over the past 1000 years
Humans introduced mammalian predators, so they are killing baby chicks so they might get extinct.

why we should band homework


Homework has been a part of students lives for so long But if you stop to think about it, the truth is that homework is not necessary. Do you have trouble believing that? Well,here are a few great arguments that will definitely convince you…

Reason 1☺
We start school at eight and end at three our parents work to a similar time and some come home exhausted but we all know that homework will make it more and more stressing and that's one good reason why,

Reason 2☺
have you ever thought that you get to much of it? It’s hard to make children spend too many hours studying. Children are still growing, their brains aren’t yet fully developed, and it’s crucial that they get a lot of exercise and free time. And sometimes if you're lucky enough exercise is homework. And here's a interesting fact…… the more and more exercise you get the more and more smarter you get .

Reason 3☺

seven hours of school should be enough to learn anything. Sure, let’s say that you have lunch there’s still a good five hours where you’re studying. If you can’t learn what you need in that time, there’s a problem. Rather than giving you lots of homework after school to compensate, schools should look at how they can rework teaching systems in class to make the most of the time you have in school.


For my point of view we should stop homework just because we need more exercise and fun time to play outside. And that's 3 good reasons why we should stop and quit homework for life!

Thursday, 27 September 2018

my cross

Here is my cross. I really enjoyed doing
it. Frst I did the blue background and then I decorated it so here it is……

Friday, 14 September 2018

my st Mary Mackillop flower

This is my flower that I did for St Mary  Mackillop’s feast day. I really enjoyed doing it so I hope you like it. Here it is……………..

Thursday, 13 September 2018

grandparents day

On Friday 24 August we had a special day. Can you guess what it was? Yes, it was Grandparents’ Day!

The first thing we did was going to the Grandparents’ Mass which we sang songs and prayed to God. After the Mass we had a yummy lunch in which I had a cupcake and a yummy choc chip cookie. Then I showed my grandma all around the school and my class room. I shared some of my artwork which was cool. After that my friends and I played and we did some gymnastics.

When the bell rang, we went to the turf and the grandparents watched us do some performances. First the Seriden children performed a Kapa Haka. After that there was irish dancing and folk dancing. Then the ukulele group came and formored a song Le Aute. The choir came last and sang two songs. They were Love, Love, Love and Language.

And sadly at the end the grandparents left but……

Then after school i could see them again, yay!

Sunday, 12 August 2018

An Animal Poem

Frogs leap and bounce so high,

Rabbits hop and have their sigh.

Elephants snore on a hot afternoon,

Snakes slide under the moon.

Birds glide across the red hot sun,

Pugs fetch and have some fun.

Animals are awesome!

Friday, 10 August 2018

Animal acrostic poem

A is for african wild cat
N is for north american otter
I is for indian leopard
M is for madagascar fruit bat
A is for african wild dog
L is for leopard

Thursday, 5 July 2018

why we need to eat healthy

Do you know our body needs nutrients to keep us healthy?

Fruit and vegetables
Did you also know that if you eat fruit and vegetables can give you vitamins and minerals? so you can stay healthy.

Bread, potatoes and wheat are all carbohydrates you should try to eat these foods every day just don't only eat that remember to keep a balanced diet too.

These are great sources of protein and calcium , dairy products are milk soya milk, cheese and yogurt and much more…..

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Ways of getting a message overtime

Name of way of getting the message 
Some information was recorded on stone walls ,paper or wood this was the beginning of writing it gave people a new way of communicating with each other.

Time used
About a thousand years before johannes gutenberg in 1450s
From prehistoric times, people have been able to communicate their thoughts by showing them.
As languages developed , information could be shared more widely . stories could travel from one place to another and be passed on from the generation .

The ancient chinese used a simple method of printing with wooden blocks to create a scroll book called the diamond sutra this is said to be the world's oldest book . 
What is the message ?
People have always wanted to share ideas and information .
We constantly are discovering newer and faster ways of doing things.
It is possible to put on headsets and watch images and hear sounds .

Examples of countries application of the technology
From lascaux and france
Mass media means media created for huge numbers of people . newspaper was first mass media .
Newspapers made it much easier for people to find out what's happening in their community.
With a computer, a telephone line and a modem , the world on the internet is yours.
Hundreds of years later, people in china discovered they could make softer paper by using cloth and plant fibre this paper was easier to write on .

Something to write on …………………. 
The first message were not written as words but shown as pictures . in ancient egypt.
A world wide web
Stories across the world
An early form of writing was known as cuneiform. A reed pen with a wedge -shaped tip was used to make imprints on soft clay, which was later dried hard . 

Friday, 11 May 2018

Identifying Ideas for Vincent Van Gogh

Title: get the picture?

Author: Jim Howes

LI: Write a sentence about the four most important events in the story.

1. In ‘Sunflowers’,Vincent Van Gogh used thick oil paint to show how he loved the strength of the bursting colours of the flowers.

2. In modern art, all kinds of surfaces and types of paints are used. In the last 50 years, acrylic paints that dry quickly and easy to remove have become popular.

3. The invention of a camera gave us a new way of making pictures.  Photographers were used to record important events and to take pics of people.

4. Photographs are much faster to complete than paintings. 

Thursday, 10 May 2018

The Unicorn behind the wall - Part one


One Friday night there were two girls named Lucy and Sophie. Lucy had ginger hair with blue eyes and Sophie had blonde hair with brown eyes. They were both nine years old but Lucy was two months older. 

On Friday Sophie was having a sleepover at Lucy's house. The next morning Sophie and Lucy woke up hearing a BANG! The noise was coming from the wall.

They wanted to follow it but it was too late because it was three o’clock in the morning. When it became bright, they didn't waste any time to get into that passage. When they entered the passage way the wall opened and saw that it lead to a magical forest that they did not know. 

They began to explore more and more but just then Sophie spotted something- it looked like a horse but with a horn!

to be continued …….

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Lenten promises

This is my lent work for R.E.

These are some of my Lenten promises , I gave up being mean to my brother because my mum would not like me being mean to him and he would be more mean to me.

Monday, 7 May 2018

Place value poster

For math's we have been learning about place value. We did a poster and here it is … I really enjoyed doing it because we could decorate it and draw pictures which I love.

Thursday, 3 May 2018

My awesome holiday 2018

Friday the last day of school, I'm so excited for going to the farm I saw my dad then I jumped into the truck and we rode off to  Thames. Here we go …….

On the way we stopped by the dairy to get something to eat. I got a chocolate bar and some ice cream! 

Two hours later we finally we got home to the farm then as soon as we unpacked I went on my motorbike. We shifted the sheep into a paddock so we could play then I made a ramp for me and my brother to jump. I went on my trampoline and practiced my baranies on it.

The next day my gran came over for the holidays and I showed her my barani on the trampoline. We had dinner together, it was sausages and ice cream for dessert. We watched a movie and then my cousins had to leave, which was sad. We went to sleep and that was the end of my holiday.

Friday, 13 April 2018

Tabloid Sports

On St Joseph's Day it was tabloid sports. It was so fun except for the only one thing I forgot - my sports uniform, but that was fine.

Moving on, the was so many things to do, such as…...crawling underneath this amazing rainbow blanket thingamabob I was the shark for one of the rounds so i tried to pull people in side of the thingamabob next we all, well blake went Splashing people wich was one of th the best part of all the activities.

We had yummy hot dogs for lunch which was also the best part. And that was the end of tabloid sports

Thursday, 12 April 2018

My Easter Holiday

The night before easter I was bursting with excitement. I couldn't wait till it was easter so I never ever got to sleep at all. I ended up going on my iPad instead of sleeping.

The next day saw some chocolate, an easter bunny and I saw a huge egg an oval easter egg! After that I watched a movie on my ipad with all my treats and ate all of them at once!

The next day I had a sleepover with Faith and we did so much like painting, going on my tramp, singing and swimming.

In the afternoon, the next day we went to Auckland to sadly drop off Faith at her house and that was the end of my easter holiday. 

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

My Acrostic Poem

This is my acrostic poem for my self portrait that I did for my assembly.

I really enjoyed doing it because I can identify words to describe me and I could decorate and draw cool stuff.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

How to make a poi

In room 9 we have been making poi’s for the school production

Our theme was on nz so we made poi’s yay!

What you will need is : wool, a plastic bag string, and sellotape
Now let's get started.

1. Get your string and plait it, if you don't know how to plait it get a parent or teacher and ask them. 

2. Next you're gonna tie a knot at the top and bottom of the plait. 

3.then you want to get ur plait and wrap it around the wool.

4.then you want to fold the wool then you want get your plastic bag and wrap around your wool and try two more plastic bags if its not strong enough. 

5. Then you want to get ur sellotape and put it around you plastic bag then this will be ur final product

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Portrait Art

This is my art, we did this because we are having an assembly soon so we are showing this. I enjoyed doing his piece of art because Miss Li, my teacher, taught us how to draw a portrait. I added cool colors that my face I had drawn would stand out. I hope you like it.

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

My Christmas Holiday

In my amazing, terrific,nerve racking holiday, we went to the beach in Otama, it was as beautiful as a flower. We went boogie boarding, surfing and playing in the hot sand.

We went to my Dad’s house in Thames and we went on our motorbikes and played on the magic carpet. If you don't know what that is it’s when my Dad attaches a piece of rope to his four wheeled motorbike, then that rope is attached to a piece of carpet and then my Dad rides his motorbike and goes super fast. After that we stayed there for about two days and played with our cousins at my Dad's house, then it was Christmas!!!

The best time in the year where there is amazing light beautiful Christmas trees. Everyone loves Christmas and it’s a great time of year.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

All About Me

Hello my name is Alana and I am in room 9 with Miss Li. I am 9 years old, my favourite thing to do is gymnastics and other sports and my favourite colour is navy and turquoise. My favourite food is well everything that includes fast food and my favourite subject is  